Counseling Services Offered by Lutheran Churches in Baltimore, MD

The Lutheran churches in Baltimore, MD offer a wide range of counseling services to their community. The ministry operates ten compassion centers that provide food, clothing, health services, disaster relief, chaplaincy, educational and Christian services. These centers are staffed by Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors (LCPCs), Maryland national certified counselors, certified spiritual directors in the Carmelite tradition, and certified pastoral associates through the USCCB Alliance for the certification of lay ecclesial ministries. The organization also offers a Master in Pastoral Counseling from Basil College in Stamford, CT and Loyola University in Chicago, as well as a Master of Theology (MDiv) from Catholic University of the United States in Washington, D.

C. In 1918, the organization established a Christian home for single young women living in Baltimore. In addition to these programs, the Lutheran churches also offer a Master of Science (MS) in Pastoral Counseling and a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Counseling. This initiative was inspired by the successful social ministry offered by the Lutheran Society for Internal Missions in Philadelphia.

Officials from the Baltimore Lutheran Mother House and the Baltimore Lutheran Ministers Association met to learn about the work in Philadelphia led by Rev.